NETWAR: A Gaming Odyssey with a Heart at College of Saint Mary!

NETWAR: A Gaming Odyssey with a Heart at College of Saint Mary!

This weekend's NETWAR LAN party at College of Saint Mary is more than just a gaming marathon—it's a crusade with a cause, proudly sponsored by Monstrous Gear. With over 700 gaming aficionados rallying together for a 24-hour virtual skirmish, the stakes are high and the spirits higher. And guess what? Monstrous Gear is upping the ante by distributing free swag to those who donate towards aiding rare medical conditions, first responders, and veterans. Every contribution counts, as Monstrous Media Group will match each donation, making your goodwill echo through the realms of reality and virtuality.

Netwar 42

Step into the gaming arena, flaunt your Monstrous Gear, and battle it out while championing a noble cause. It's a call to arms—where your arsenal is not just your gaming rig, but also your heart. The spoils? A unique gaming experience, camaraderie, and the joy of making a difference.

For more intel, head over to and to stay updated on the battlefield action, follow @monstrousgear and @netwarlan on social media. Let's unite, game on, and make a monstrous impact! #MonstrousGaming #NETWARLANParty